Who Am I

These 3 areas define who I am...

God... My faith & relationship with God defines Who I Am. Every second of my life, I'm working on becoming a better person by the grace and mercy of God.

Family... My family is what I live & breathe every moment of the day. Fighting and working towards a brighter future for my children.

Excellence... What is real excellence? Striving to set a higher standard for performance across all areas of your life. Whether it's leading a team on the basketball court or a business project, you unequivocally must strive to set the bar of excellence for those following your lead.

Don't be afraid to Dream or
Think something is out of Your Reach!

Falling is part of the
Building & Strengthening
Process of Your Character!

You will never fail with God by your side!

Meaning of MDC4LIFE

Love Thyself

In my twenties, I started to say or write "One Love 4 Life" for just about everything. Some people thought it was cute or a gimmick. I was trying to be different and connect with them all at the same time. As time passed, I wanted to translate this phrase into the digital world, because of my enthusiasm for technology, I came up with MDC4LIFE, which in essences means to love yourself. You can't truly love anyone unless you know how to love and respect yourself.

Now, MDC4LIFE has more meaning today because of my children with the same initials. I guess if I had my way, all of my kids would have the same initials. However, God had a different plan in mind. My wife was wise enough not to grant my wish but captured my heart with a simple idea. Each one of them are unique and directly connected to me in more ways than one. This digital footprint will allow me to share my passion and create a space for my children that share the same initials. Luckily for me, these ones are still young enough for me to do whatever I want without them telling me no. In a couple of years, this space may go back to being a single focus.

And so we know and rely on the
Love God has for us.

God is Love.

Whoever lives in Love lives in God,
and God in them.

1 John 4:16

MDC Legacy

There's no greater gift in life than children! My legacy lives on!





